Washington � This week the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) hosted a dinner reception for speakers and participants in the “Roundtable on Security and Liberty: Perspectives of Young Leaders Post 9-11.” The two-day roundtable was hosted by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties in collaboration with the George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute. The first day of the event concluded with a reception at ADC, co-hosted by the Arab American Institute.
Chad Sweet, Chief of Staff for DHS, gave remarks during the reception. He called on the participants to continue their outstanding work and to consider putting their skills to use for the federal government. Daniel Sutherland, DHS Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, and several other DHS and Treasury officials were also present.
The objective of the conference was to engage youth leaders with DHS officials and various community leaders. More than 40 young leaders from across the nation are taking part in this event, including ADC interns. Participants will also meet and talk with DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff.
Discussion topics included: “State of Arab, Muslim, South Asian, Sikh, and Middle Eastern American Young People Today”; “Interfaith Dialogue”; “Toronto, London, and Madrid: Can it Happen in America?” Panel discussions on careers in the U.S. government, civil rights in America, the role of media, avenues of communication between the government and the community were also held.
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