DETROIT � By popular demand, a second week of performances has been added to see the smash hit WALKING WITH DINOSAURS � The Live Experience, at Detroit’s legendary Cobo Arena, which is playing from Wednesday, Nov. 14 through Saturday, Nov. 24. Detroit is the first North American city to feature a second week of performances! WALKING WITH DINOSAURS � The Live Experience is brought to North America by Immersion Edutainment, headed by Bruce Mactaggart. Mactaggart said, “The BBC Series was a brilliant blend of special effects, escapism, excitement and information. Our show has that � and it’s live. In this show, fifteen roaring, snarling “live” dinosaurs mesmerize the audience � and are as awe-inspiring as when they first walked on earth. This is a show that could only fit in arenas � as the creatures are so absolutely immense in size. It is the closest you’ll ever get to experiencing what it was like when they walked and ruled the earth.”
Ten species are represented from the entire 200 million year reign of the dinosaurs. The show includes the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the terror of the ancient terrain, as well as the Plateosaurus and Liliensternus from the Triassic period, the Stegosaurus and Allosaurus from the Jurassic period and Torosaurus and Utahraptor from the awesome Cretaceous. The largest of them, the Brachiosaurus is 36 feet tall, and 56 feet from nose to tail. It took a team of 50 � including engineers, fabricators, skin makers, artists and painters, and animatronic experts �a year to build the original production. The show depicts the dinosaurs’ evolution, complete with the climatic and tectonic changes that took place, which led to the demise of many species. With almost cinematic realism, WALKING WITH DINOSAURS has scenes of the interactions between dinosaurs, and the audience sees how carnivorous dinosaurs evolved to walk on two legs, and how the herbivores fended off their more agile predators. The history of the world is played out with the splitting of the earth’s continents, and the transition from the arid desert of the Triassic period is given over to the lush green prairies and forces of the later Jurassic. Oceans form, volcanoes erupt, a forest catches fire �all leading to the impact of the massive comet, which struck the earth and forced the extinction of the dinosaurs. Variety said, “The dinosaurs are stunning, life-size and faultlessly nimble. In act one, the beasts parade into the arena gnashing and cavorting as a safari-suited paleontologist describes their attributes � in the second half, the action cranks up, culminating in a spectacular clash as a T-Rex mom defends her baby from predators. Sonny Tilders’ triumphant creature design ensures Walking With Dinosaurs is a truly spectacular spectacular. It is everything a dino-phile could want.”
Gloria Goodale of the Christian Science Monitor said, “When the dinosaurs start pouring out onto the stage, if you don’t have to stifle the natural flight response of any living breathing being, then it’s your pulse that needs checking.”
Newsweek called the show, “that rare entertainment beast that parents and kids can enjoy together.”
Tickets ($38.50, $48.50, $58.50 & $72.50) for the additional shows are on sale and may be purchased at, the Joe Louis Arena and Fox Theatre box offices, Hockeytown Authentics in Troy (without service charge) and at all Ticketmaster locations, including Macy’s and To charge tickets by phone, call 248. 645.6666. For groups, please call 313.471.3099. For additional information, call 313.471.6611. Please note the Cobo Arena box office is only open day of show.
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