DEARBORN � A Grosse Pointe Woods man accused of swindling an elderly couple faces up to 38 years in prison after being charged on April 30.
A preliminary hearing was to be held Friday.
John Matouk, 41, was charged with forgery, uttering and publishing and false pretenses.
According to a release from the Wayne County Prosecutor and Sheriff�s offices, Matouk owned a half interest in property in Dearborn with the Oakland County couple. In 2004, he allegedly forged a quitclaim deed from the couple, transferring ownership of the property entirely to his company, LM Investments of Dearborn LLC.
Matouk then obtained a mortgage on the property worth $650,000 and spent the money for his own use.
Forgery and uttering and publishing each carry a maximum penalty of up to 14 years in prison. False pretenses carries a maximum penalty of up to 10 years in prison.
Matouk was arraigned in 19th District Court before Judge Mark Somers and released on $50,000 bond.
Wayne County Assistant Prosecutor Abed Hammoud is expected to prosecute the case.
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