• FBI documents show billions have been spent spying on Americans post 9/11
• Indiana law makers met with strong disapproval for proposed “Shari’a law” bill.
• Society of Professional Journalism Committee discusses removing Helen Thomas Award; Claiming they don’t stand for “Anti-Semitic” remarks
• Civil rights groups shed light on Muslims locked in isolation at federal prisons
• U.S. needs to stand with Egyptians
• Reports show FBI has made about 40,000 violations since 9/11
• Government utilizes new tactics to fight terrorism without violating civil liberties

• Washington threatens to veto Palestinian resolution regarding settlement barriers in Israel
• Florida International University student expelled after confronting Israeli official with a question
• Libyan students studying in U.S blackmailed by embassy to attend pro-Gaddafi rallies in Washington
• Critically acclaimed independent film ‘Mooz-lum,’ directed by Qasim Basir, opens strong with limited release
• U.S vetoes resolution calling for freeze on Israeli settlement building in Palestine; Criticism is heard on a worldwide level but Israel is content with decision
• Lansing rally gathers 2,000 people in support of worker’s rights in Michigan and Wisconsin
• House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Peter King begins hearing regarding ‘witch hunting’ towards Arab Americans
• Obama inches closer to a military intervention in Libya after Gaddafi shows no signs of stepping down
• Hundreds of Yemeni Americans including locals protest Saleh at White House
• Returning Bahraini woman recalls brutal attacks on protestors
• U.S. treads cautious line on Yemen protests
• Poll: Most say it’s time for new American president
• U.S. denies trying to undermine Assad
• White house announces economic assistance to Arab world
• Photo of eight year old getting TSA pat down causes stir
• Washington Showdown with AIPAC
• SPLC Intelligence Report: Anti-Muslim hatred on the rise
• Alabama’s immigration bill “turns back clock” on civil liberties
• Morocco’s uprisings and all the king’s men
• Will Huma Abedin remain Weiner’s good South Asian wife?
• Parents question narrative of “honor killing” in daughter’s death
• Detained Saudi womandriver freed on bail, promises king it won’t happen again
• No evidence of Iranian weapons program, despite rhetoric
• Congress to Palestinians: Drop dead
• Obama to Israel: Take Whatever you want
• Candidates beware: Islam-baiting doesn’t work
• Obama’s handling of Arab Spring and Israel leaves much to be desired
• U.S. launches anti-Gaddafi offensive in Africa
• Prominent attorney who refused to betray Arab and Muslim clients speaks on civil liberties, life on terror watch list
• Poll: U.S. Muslims more tolerant, opposed to violence than other faiths
• Obama’s immigration rhetoric at odds with record
• U.S. Islamophobes distance themselves from Norway killings
• U.S. Boat to Gaza passengers stunned at ship impoundment
• Abercrombie and Fitch found guilty of religious discrimination over hijab
• Survey: U.S. Muslims upbeat despite scrutiny since 9/11
• With CIA help, NYPD moves covertly in Muslim areas
• CIA denies helping police spy on New York Muslims
• ‘Covering Islam in the Bible Belt: ‘Journalists unite for understanding
• Massive Iraqi-Mexican drug bust linked to Detroit
• Why the Irvine 11 are true national heroes for standing up to Israeli ambassador
• The Apple that changed the world has Arab roots: Steve Jobs passes away from pancreatic cancer
• Irvine 11 attorney, members speak to TAAN, say their case sets a “dangerous precedent” for free speech on college campuses
• An ‘American Fall’ follows ‘Arab Spring’ as Occupy movement heats up across U.S.
• ACLU says documents obtained from FBI show unconstitutional racial profiling against local Arabs, Muslims, other groups nationwide
• U.S. House Committee okays sweeping sanctions on Iran
• New York group fights to preserve “The First Arab American Neighborhood”
• Occupy Oakland shuts down downtown, port areas
• Oakland University hosts Republican debate focused on the economy
• Presidential candidate Ron Paul speaks with The Arab American News on economics, foreign policy
• Dearborn reality show “All-American Muslim” set to premiere, hopes to debunk stereotypes
• Right wing experiences 2011 shellacking at the polls over proposals
• Authorities foil Occupy movement bid to shut down Wall Street
• FBI reports dramatic spike in anti-Muslim hate violence
• Pentagon tests hypersonic bomb that can hit targets worldwide in one hour
• “All-American Muslims” garners strong ratings, mixed opinions from first episode
• Romney Middle Advisor Phares tied to brutal Lebanese militia
• National Defense Authorization Act passes Senate, Levin-introduced bill paves the way for indefinite military detention of U.S. Citizens
• Drones cleared for domestic use across United States
• Occupy L.A. raid nets 300 arrests as protesters vow return
• Assange: Blackberry, iPhone are now spying devices
• Levin, Stabenow speak on NDAA, as rights groups urge strong opposition
• Lowe’s draws national criticism after pulling advertisement from “All-American Muslim”
• Indefinite military detention measure heads to Obama after passing on Bill of Rights Day, president says he will sign bill
• New Republican front-runner Gingrich roils Mideast waters with comments on Palestine being an “invented” people
• Time Person of the Year goes to ‘The Protester’
• Half of all Americans officially at the poverty line
• Ron Paul leads as Iowa caucus begins to heat up
• The contradictions of Obama’s outreach to American Muslims
• Tri-Faith Complex to construct multi-million dollar facility in America’s heartland
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