HAMTRAMCK — Clergy leaders of several different faiths met on Feb. 11 to plan future activities of the Common Word Alliance (CWA) interfaith group. Following the successful Thanksgiving Day of Prayer, the group has been meeting monthly. Among issues discussed was working with the police to offer chaplaincy services to families and individuals, planning future interfaith services and educational programs, and supporting one anothers outreach activities through greater publicity and social media.
Arif Huskic, the organizer and head of the CWA, had invited Rabbi Dorit Edut of the Detroit Interfaith Outreach Network and the Downtown Synagogue to share her thoughts and ideas. She invited the group to attend the Interfaith Summer Picnic, open to all Metro Detroiters, which will take place the second Sunday of August 2013 in Detroit, with details to follow. Others in attendance included Rev. Dan Buttry, Imam Nasr Hussain, Bishop Barnes, Father Bogdan Milosz, and Shimon Edut. The next meeting, open to all clergy in Hamtramack, and other interested faith leaders will be on March 18, at 6 p.m. at Our Lady Queen of Apostles, 3851 Prescott, Hamtramack, MI. Please contact Arif Huskic at 313.999.5483 for further information.
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