When you demand a boycott against Israel, it gets splashed across their mass media.
It’s a shock they never expected. They killed so many Arabs, so easily; they never expected a big red “Stop” sign in their face.
That’s exactly what each “Boycott Israel” resolution is. It shocks them like a slap in the face.
Do you remember those enthusiastic students pushing boycott and divestment resolutions on U.S. campuses this Spring? Do you remember how Israel panicked? It didn’t dare bomb Gaza.
See how Israel bombards Gaza and Lebanon mostly when U.S. campuses are closed?
So this summer, walk into your city council and demand a resolution like this:
“This city council resolves to boycott all products imported from Israel to the maximum extent allowed by law.”
That resolution is stronger than the entire Israeli air force.
When even two people demand boycott in a city council, the media notices.
Now imagine 200 people demanding a simple boycott resolution, next Tuesday in Dearborn City Council meeting, with the TV cameras rolling.
The summer would be ruined for Israel. Gaza would no longer be their punching bag.
City councils would join the campuses as headquarters for the Palestine freedom movement. The butchers would leave Gaza alone. Dearborn’s sons and daughters would be bursting with pride, along with a large part of the world.
— Blaine Coleman is an Ann Arbor-based activist.
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