Dr. Lynn Lipskis and Dr. Edmund Lipskis suggest a list of inflammatory foods to avoid:

Gluten free diet
Gluten. Foods containing gluten can be some of the most inflammatory. “Generally,” Dr. Lynn Lipskis said, “gluten is the protein part of a grain. A lot of people will react to gluten by experiencing increased inflammation. Gluten-free eating has become popular because so many people who adopt it find that they feel better. Symptoms of sensitivity to gluten include fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, achy joints and brain fog.”

Dairy products promote mucusproduction

Processed carbohydrates. These include a litany of foods people love, but the Lipskis team said the eventual harm outweighs the enjoyment. “It may mean saying good-bye to pasta, breads, cookies, candies,” Dr. Ed Lipskis said. “People often believe that whole wheat bread is better than white bread, but whole wheat is actually just as inflammatory because of the carbohydrate in wheat, known as amylopectin A.” Similarly, Lipskis said most people mistakenly believe brown rice to be a better choice than white rice. “But like whole wheat,” he said, “the husk of brown rice contains the allergens and proteins that can cause inflammation.”

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