Dear Mr. Siblani,
I’ve been thinking about your statement in the recent Politico article and decided to write.
Your community is being presented a rare opportunity due to the outsize power of its voting bloc this election. This might not come again.
Yet rather than leveraging it, you’d prefer to just keep protesting? Politics are quid quo pro and change can and does happen from within. If you disagree, look how effective the Evangelical bloc has been at bending policy.
Respectfully, it feels like Uncommitted, and much of its movement, is complacent with the moral righteousness associated with oppression, victimhood and outsider status. How has all the protesting worked for the Palestinian cause over our lifetimes? Maybe it’s time to take a page from the Evangelicals — or better yet AIPAC — on influencing politicians via back rooms instead of public squares?
For the next few days, 10,000 votes is worth a million megaphones.
I’m curious if your paper would be open to an op-ed on this opposing viewpoint?
Adam Glickman
(Yes, I’m a secular Jew)
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