1. Sugar
Avoid sugar, especially artificial sugars like aspartame. Sugar is in everything that comes in a package, from candy bars to even the “healthy” items like granola bars. Sugar is a huge threat to the body because it weakens the immune system. When the immune system is weak your body has to work harder and this puts it in a state of imbalance, leaving you sick. Ideally, your only sugar source should be from fresh fruit like grapefruit and strawberries, since they also contain essential vitamins to fight illness.
2. Being a couch potato
It might be cold and dark out when you leave work, but exercise is crucial in maintaining a healthy immune system. Before you head home after work, spend an hour at the gym.
3. Stress
Now that your holiday shopping is behind you and New Year’s celebrations are done with, take some serious time to decompress. Listen to your body; do you feel more exhausted than usual? Stress is related to 99 percent of all illnesses. Some helpful stress reduction tips include organizing yourself at work with a to do list and planning meals ahead of time.
4. Drinking
Heavy alcohol use suppresses the immune system. Alcohol dehydrates the body, making your immune system weak and you more accessible to illness. Caffeine is also a culprit. Make sure you drink tons of water instead of, or with, coffee to help you stay hydrated.
5. Smoking
Smokers get more severe and more frequent colds than nonsmokers. Even just being around someone smoking can weaken the immune system. If you smoke, there is nothing like a New Year’s resolution to quit. If you live or work with someone who smokes stay away from them when they are smoking.
6. Processed foods
Avoid food that comes in a package. This food is full of sugars and white carbs, which make your body work harder than necessary while suppressing your immune system, leaving you vulnerable to sickness. Whenever you’re grocery shopping, fill your basket with fruits and veggies. Some other healthy options are salmon, with its Omega-3 Fatty Acids to combat inflammation in the body, and yogurt without added sugar, to add healthy bacteria for a strong immune system.
7. Taking cold medication
Over-the-counter medicine only masks a cold. When you stop taking the medicine, you will likely get sick again shortly thereafter. Get back to basics with a natural remedy like a Neti Pot, feed your soul with some good old fashion chicken soup and put a humidifier in your bedroom while you sleep.
8. Staying up too late
It is always important to get your beauty sleep, but even more important during cold and flu season. Aim for at least eight to 10 hours of restful sleep a night.
9. Being negative
By simply changing your outlook on life you can avoid getting sick. If you are having a rough day, just think of all of the positive things in your life and focus on that. The more you think positive thoughts, the happier your immune system will be. Just remember it takes more muscles to frown than to smile.
10. Artificial heat
This might be the hardest one to avoid this winter. Artificial heat dries up your sinuses leaving them susceptible to colds and the flu, so keep moisture in the air with a humidifier, especially while sleeping.
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