Why Palestinian unity is not an option
Just days after the HAMAS-Fatah clash last June in Gaza, Palestine Authority President Mahmoud Abbas looked firm and composed as he shook hands with members of his new emergency government. He made sure his move appeared as legitimate as possible, issuing decrees that outlawed the armed militias of HAMAS, and also suspended...Bush to Nasrallah: An offer Hizbullah cannot refuse?
May 3rd, 20080 The Bush administration no longer believes there is a viable military option American, Israeli or combined for destroying Hizbullah "The Bush administration parking a flotilla from its U.S. 6th fleet off the coast of Lebanon was made necessary, it claims, to demonstrate Washington's 'commitment to...Tunisia strives for religious tolerance
TUNIS In Tunisia, synagogues and churches stand side by side with mosques. Jewish and Christian minorities freely practice their religious rituals. This tolerant climate is ensured by the constitution which provides for habeas corpus, guarantees freedom of conscience and protects freedom of religious practice. But this open...Israel told to tackle West Bank plight
JERUSALEM Israel is coming under concerted international pressure to give swift agreement to specific measures to improve Palestinian life in the West Bank which senior diplomats believe could eventually make or break negotiations between the Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, and the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas....Shirin Ebadi on Iran and the world
While Bush administration's actions and threats of "regime change" increase the repression by the Iranian state, and economic sanctions only hurt the people, Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi says there are ways the outside world can support reform in Iran. At least 400 dissidents, activists and intellectuals a...Christian divisions complicate politics
BEIRUT (IPS) The political crisis gripping Lebanon has chipped away at what has been viewed by most since the 2005 parliamentary elections as an unlikely alignment of two political heavyweights. The recent falling out between Michel Aoun, head of the Christian Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) and Michel Murr, the Greek...Greek Orthodox patriarch looks to the future
JERUSALEM (AP) The Greek Orthodox Church in the Holy Land is trying to recover from a moral and financial crisis, its top clergyman, Patriarch Theofilos III, told The Associated Press in a rare interview. In recent years, the church has been shaken by secretive real estate deals with Israelis, by Palestinian laymen angry about...The ten commandments of Iraq
The Iraq war is over. The failure of Bush's surge to produce political reconciliation in Iraq, combined with the unsustainable stress on our military and Congress' unwillingness to keep writing checks for $12 billion a month, all point in one direction: withdrawal. Even if John McCain is somehow elected president and for that to...Assassinations shake Christian town
BEIRUT (IPS) - The lush Bekaa Valley is nestled between snowy Mount Lebanon and the Syrian border. The region, reputed for its wine production, was this week the witness to a violent crime in the Christian city of Zahleh, where two members of the anti-Syrian Kataeb party (Phalangists) were gunned down. In the courtyard of Zahleh's...The new walls of Baghdad
The new "surge" strategy in Iraq, led by General David Petreaus, has been heavily marketed as an example of the U.S. military's application of the "lessons of history" from previous counterinsurgencies to Iraq, foremost among them the need to win the population over from insurgents through cultivating human relationships, addressing...HAMAS offers truce to Israel
April 25th, 20080 CAIRO HAMAS has proposed a six-month truce with Israel, aimed at easing a blockade on the Gaza Strip. At a meeting with Egyptian mediators in Cairo on Thursday, the Palestinian group offered to cease cross-border rocket attacks if Israel opens crossing points into Gaza and ends military incursions into the Palestinian territory....CNN downplays Israeli crimes in Gaza
The headlines say it all. CNN reported, "Israeli-Palestinian fighting kills 21." Who exactly did the killing is hidden. The article also used photographic trickery to downplay the magnitude of the crimes. The BBC's website read, "Day of Gaza unrest leaves 22 dead," but featured a powerful online video. One...Carter snubbed by Israeli officials
April 18th, 20080 But majority of Israelis agree the Jewish state should talk to HAMAS JERUSALEM (IPS) Three decades after he brokered the first-ever peace treaty between Israel and an Arab country, former U.S. president Jimmy Carter has become persona non grata in the Jewish state. Both Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Defense Minister Ehud...Understanding the six basic issues for HAMAS
Achieving a peaceful Israeli-Palestinian win-win situation is to deal with HAMAS in the total context of its actions. This means understanding that HAMAS represents: resistance, respect, reciprocity, reconstruction, rights and refugees. BEIRUT The controversy over whether former U.S. President Jimmy Carter...European, North American Christians show solidarity with Hebron’s persecuted orphans
Hebron In a conspicuous contrast to Christian Zionists who rabidly support Israeli repression of Palestinians, scores of Christian activists from Europe and North America this week arrived in this southern West Bank town to show solidarity with the Islamic Charitable Society, Palestine's largest charity. A few weeks......
Iraqi chaos hardening sectarian fiefdoms
April 18th, 20080 To the extent that a government in Iraq exists, it provides services on a sectarian basis WASHINGTON (IPS) There are an estimated 2.7 million Iraqis who have been displaced within their own country. No house; no food; no security. Who do they turn to for help? The international community's humanitarian organizations?...Reality ignored in hearings on Iraq
April 11th, 20080 Sure, Arizona Senator John McCain's campaign may still be selling him as some kind of "maverick" or "independent thinker" and most of the media may still be buying that ridiculous line. But when it comes to the fundamental foreign policy issue of the 2008 race whether to continue the war in Iraq, and at what cost McCain's a......
Hizbullah has new weapons to wage war
April 11th, 20080 Teir Dibba The Shi'a "martyrs" of this hill village are normally killed in the dangerous, stony landscape of southern Lebanon, in Israeli air raids or invasions or attacks from the sea. The Hizbullah duly honors them. But the body of the latest Shi'a fighter to be buried here from the local Hashem family was flown back to...Iraqi Olympians dodge violence and politics on the path to Beijing
A sprinter and an archer two of the four Iraqis who have qualified so far struggle to train amid sectarian divides and a dearth of equipment. BAGHDAD It's a glorious spring day and sprinter Dana Hussein Abdul-Razzaq is busy stretching and warming up ahead of her morning training routine. Nearby, under the shade of...Basra battles: What reporters omitted and fabricated
The latest battles in Basra, Iraqs largest city and a vital oil port, provide ample examples of misleading and manipulative practice in corporate journalism today. One commonly used tactic is to describe events using self-styled or "official" terminology, which deliberately confuses the reader by giving no real indication or...Iranian public sees reduced U.S. threat
WASHINGTON (IPS) While still distrustful of U.S. intentions, the Iranian public believes that the threat posed by Washington has diminished over the past year and favors increased exchanges between the two countries, including direct talks on stabilizing Iraq and other issues, according to a major new survey released here Monday by......
Arab world’s minorities must be respected
NEW YORK The gunmen used silencers on their weapons when they assassinated Assyrian Orthodox priest Youssef Adel outside his home in Baghdad last Saturday. But their message was loud and clear: Iraq's dwindling Christian minority is the target of a cruel bloodletting. It may seem insensitive just to single out one group for...Jordan acts as hub for U.S. renditions
NEW YORK (IPS) Jordan, often described in the mainstream press as the most moderate country in the Arab Middle East, was the first to receive prisoners "as a true proxy jailer for the CIA" and has received more victims of "extraordinary rendition" than any other country in the world, according to a new report by Human Rights Watch......
Iraq still a quagmire say experts
WASHINGTON (IPS) Despite a reduction in violence over the past 15 months, "the U.S. risks getting bogged down in Iraq for a long time to come, with serious consequences for its interests in other parts of the world," according to a new assessment by the same group of experts who advised the bipartisan blue-ribbon Iraq Study Group...Ghosts from the land of milk and honey
NEW YORK (IPS) Somewhere in Baghdad, a family sits down to dinner. Heaped plates of food line the long table. A man sits at the head, fork in hand. Beside him, a youngish woman with immaculately shaped eyebrows turns to speak with a young girl. Forks and spoons face upwards on still empty flowered plates. Somewhere in Baghdad,......