Ellison addresses Muslim females
WASHINGTON Female Muslim attorneys, leaders and students from all over the world and the United States descended on Washington, D.C. last week for an intensive summer program on law and leadership. Rep. Keith Ellison spoke with the group near the end of the program, imparting words of wisdom and sharing his own experiences....Islam bullish in a bear market
The funny thing about faith-based mutual funds is, well, that there's anything called a faith-based mutual fund. For one thing, scripture is full of exhortations against accumulating wealth. The New Testament, especially, repeatedly reminds followers of Christ that earthly wealth means nothing in heaven. "It is easier for a camel to...Hamdan case to test military tribunals
NEW YORK (IPS) As the long-awaited trial of Guantanamo detainee Salim Ahmed Hamdan opened this week at the U.S. naval base in Cuba, human rights groups filed suit demanding that the Department of Justice (DOJ) produce documents related to the U.S. government's ghost detention, torture and extraordinary rendition program....Doves outnumber hawks in Jewish community
WASHINGTON (IPS) A new poll suggests that U.S. Jews hold views about the Middle East that are considerably more dovish than frequently acknowledged, with large majorities favoring diplomacy with Iran, supporting a two-state solution in Israel/Palestine, and advocating U.S. withdrawal from Iraq. U.S. Jews also favor Barack Obama...Kucinich: Impeach Bush, create Department of Peace
Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced a new article of impeachment against President Bush in the House last Thursday. In a single, pointed resolution, he charged the president with lying to Congress about the presence of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq, in order to obtain permission for a U.S. attack. In the hour...Groups concerned about DOJ guidelines
Washington The Muslim Public Affairs Council, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), the Arab American Institute (AAI), and other organizations are concerned by an Associated Press report quoting "senior FBI, Justice Department, and U.S. intelligence officials" concerning new Department of Justice guidelines...“State Secrets” privilege derails rendition suit
NEW YORK (IPS) Maher Arar, whose "rendition" to Syria is widely viewed as an egregious example of mistaken identity, has again been denied the right to appear in court, and congressional efforts to rein in the George W. Bush administration's widespread use of national security as a defence appear to be foundering. Late last...Big trouble for Big Three automakers
America's automobile industry may be facing the biggest turnaround challenge in its history, a problem punctuated Tuesday as the carmakers released monthly sales results. Times were tough enough in Detroit before gasoline hit $4 per gallon, but in the past two months the outlook has taken a turn for the worse. Shares of...Sewage plant named after Dubya?
Some presidents get carved into Mt Rushmore; others have airports, motorways, and even entire cities named in their honor. But when George Bush leaves office, his most visible memorial may be a moldering patch of human effluent. In November, alongside casting their ballot for the next president, the people of San Francisco will...Nader takes aim at Obama
WASHINGTON Legendary Arab American consumer advocate Ralph Nader's remarks about Barack Obama's campaign and race garnered wide media attention. Last week, the third party candidate said the Democratic nominee for president was not challenging the white power structure and was feeding off of "white guilt." On Wednesday,...Christian Zionist gathering mired in controversy
OAKLAND (IPS) The battle lines over Pastor John Hagee have been drawn, redrawn, and are no doubt being drawn again as this is being written. The San Antonio, Texas-based mega-preacher with the multi-million-dollar empire has always been controversial, but these days, the pastor is a lightning rod for critics. And as...Was Obama’s rhetoric on Israel for real?
UNITED NATIONS (IPS) When Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic candidate for the November U.S. presidential elections, addressed one of the most influential pro-Israeli lobbying groups last week, he offered himself as a more trusted ally of Israel than his rival, Republican candidate John McCain. In his address to the...McCain makes stuff up
For years now, the U.S. political press corps has traveled with John McCain on his "Straight Talk Express," buying into his image as a paragon of truth-telling. But the real truth is that McCain routinely makes stuff up, as he did on June 11 in lying about Barack Obama's "bitter" comment. During a political talk in Philadelphia,...Kucinich seeks to impeach Bush
June 13th, 20080 Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) introduced 35 articles of impeachment against President George W. Bush late on Monday during a speech on the House floor. Kucinich, a former contender for the Democratic presidential nomination, pointed to "high crimes and misdemeanors" committed by the Bush administration, including...Obama clinches nomination, pledges support for Israel and two-state solution
June 6th, 20080 Obama walks fine line at AIPAC WASHINGTON Speaking last year at the same forum, he received scattered boos. But as Senator Barack Obama strode towards the podium Wednesday morning at the annual policy conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), he was greeted with a standing ovation. The applause kept......
AIPAC report reveals long history of activities harmful to U.S.
Washington Members of the press, bloggers and law enforcement officials could request a free copy of a special 200 page report on the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) during the annual AIPAC Policy Conference held this week in Washington, DC. "Foreign Agents: The American Israel Public Affairs Committee from the...Bush’s Islamist enemies list
President George W. Bush was rightly condemned when he implied that Democrats want to "negotiate with terrorists" because they are driven by "the false comfort of appeasement," while Republicans are committed to fighting terrorism. But in his speech before Israel's Knesset, Bush made another dangerous statement that got far less......
Carter says Israel has arsenal of 150 nuclear weapons
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter has said Israel holds at least 150 nuclear weapons, the first time a U.S. president has publicly acknowledged Israel's atomic arsenal. Asked at a news conference at Wales's Hay literary festival how a future U.S. president should deal with the Iranian nuclear threat, Carter put the risk in...The war on (name your euphemism)
WASHINGTON (IPS) From the people who brought you the "war on terror" and the "axis of evil" comes a new verbal tonic for combating that amorphous emotion. Out with pejoratives like "Islamo-fascists" "jihadis" and "mujahadeen" and in with "words that work," that is according to a George W. Bush administration memo that was leaked...Guantanamo trials hit setbacks
NEW YORK (IPS) Key elements of the George W. Bush administration's anti-terrorist detention policies appear to be unraveling, according to human rights and legal advocates. In the past two weeks alone, a military judge has disqualified a Pentagon legal official from participating in the Guantanamo war crimes trial of Salim Ahmed...Jewish activists arrested disrupting community celebrations for Israeli anniversary
Jewish activists draw attention to 60 years of forced exile and dispossession in Palestine San Francisco Twenty Jewish activists were arrested while demonstrating opposition to Israel's 60 year-old policy of dispossession and highlighting the often-silenced struggle of Palestinian refugees. For over......
Edwards endorses Barack Obama
May 16th, 20080 Hillary appears to be over, at least as president It was a weary and wistful Hillary Clinton who sat down with CNN's Wolf Blitzer and other network anchors for extended interviews on the day after her West Virginia victory. She knew that no matter what she said and how well she said it, it would not be...Hillary, Rush, Michigan and Florida
Hillary's speech on the night of her squeaker of a win in Indiana was pure chutzpah. Before the vote was even tallied and while it was still too close to call for CNN she announced she'd won the "tie-breaker" (even though she had already lost so badly in North Carolina that, even with her small margin in Indiana, she emerged from......
Powering down the PATRIOT Act
In the wake of another damaging report detailing the bureau's abuse of its data-gathering power, Congress is seeking to limit the use of national security letters. There's a move afoot on Capitol Hill to rein in some of the vast powers conferred upon government investigators by the PATRIOT Act, the...Nine ways to teach kids that money doesn’t grow on trees
If you're looking for a silver lining to the economic slowdown, Eric Tyson says it's the perfect impetus for your kids to learn smart personal finance habits. Indianapolis With inflation on the rise (gas prices, grocery bills, health insurance premiums, etc.) and many companies being more conservative, more......