DEARBORN � Employees of cable company Comcast are set to get their hands dirty on Saturday, May 3 when they volunteer for some painting and clean-up efforts at the Yemen American Benevolent Association (YABA) center, 2121 Salina Street in Dearborn.
Hundreds of community centers across the country will also get help from about 50,000 volunteers as part of the company’s seventh Comcast Cares Day.
Comcast liaison Fred Eaton said volunteers will visit about 30 Michigan organizations including YABA, Vista Maria in Dearborn Heights, La Sed and Motor City Blight Busters in Detroit.
“It’s always enjoyable to get out and do some good for folks,” Eaton said.
YABA President Dahan Alnajjar said the group has a long-standing relationship with Comcast.
He said they’re expecting about 20 Comcast volunteers and about 20 more from the surrounding community to help with some renewal efforts on the inside of the building.
“We have some history. They’ve been sponsors at our banquets,” he said. “I think it’s very important for them to become involved in the community, to have some presence in the Yemeni community and the wider Arab American community.”
Dahan and Eaton said they hope the volunteer work will help strengthen and continue ties between the company and the community, by giving employees and residents a unique opportunity to meet and connect.
YABA is one of the oldest Arab American organizations in the area. Established in 1969, the group offers adult English classes, youth Arabic classes, social services, translation, counseling and tutoring.
“Anybody else who wants to slap some paint on some walls, they’re welcome to join us,” said Eaton.
For information on how to participate in Comcast Cares Day, contact Yaba at (313) 841-3333 or Comcast at (248) 233-4606.
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