When the name of the San Bernardino shooting suspect was released, Arab and Muslim Americans felt a heavier sense of grief for the lost lives.
The fear culture that politicians and media pundits have been nurturing for years is turning into an abyss of bigotry and hatred that threatens our communities. We are not guilty, and we should not feel guilty by association.
Syed Farook may have had a political agenda, which would make him a terrorist. He is one of too many American terrorists. Violent extremists who hate immigrants and Muslims and women, who have attacked Jews and gays and Sikhs.
Islamophobia and xenophobia are growing into popular industries. We fear that the profitable hatred that is being spewed against Arabs and Muslims will motivate the likes of Dylann Roof and Robert Dear to turn their guns on us.
“MUSLIM KILLERS,” read the main headline the New York Post on Thursday morning. One may argue that the Post is a rag with no journalistic credibilities or professional standards, but the publication sells more than 500,000 copies. In the same way that Donald Trump may be an unintelligent egomaniac with no political credentials — but he is leading in the polls.
Refugees were not connected to the terrorist attacks in Paris last month. The tragedy relied Republicans — and some Democrats — to wage a political battle against innocents fleeing the war.
Nowadays, fear and unAmerican values are prevailing. Historically, when that happens, dangerous consequences follow. During World War II, we put our Japanese American citizens in internment camps. Paranoia of communism in the late 1950’s led to McCarthyism, which demonized good Americans and restricted freedom of speech. Dismay during the peak of the civil rights movement, police and the FBI intimidated and spied on activists.
The Constitution is the sacred law of the land. However, rights endured by the nation’s founding document cannot be taken for granted. Hence, it is concerning when presidential candidates propose unConstitutional anti-Muslim initiatives.
Several Republicans vying for the presidency, including Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz have suggested allowing only Christian refugees in the country. The notion goes completely against the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, which prohibits the government from establishing or favoring a religion.
That’s why the refugee issue is a civil rights matter.
Trump went a step further. The real estate mogul suggested putting Muslims in a special database and giving them a special ID.
What is bewildering is that right wing candidates who have little regards for the Constitution and American values of freedom and acceptance present themselves as staunch patriots. Their supporters chant “USA, USA,” but they have not read the ballad on Lady Liberty, telling the world to give us its tired and poor masses yearning to breathe free. They call themselves devout “Christians,” but they do not know that Jesus was a refugee.
To face these challenges, we need to unite. We should form coalitions, stand up and speak up.
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